Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Studio Makeover: Background and Week 1

A huge source of frustration for me towards the end of last year was that I had space envy.  We were literally bursting at the seams.  Storage and organization has become a joke.  Doing things that other people are able to do normally was reduced to a circus of Tetris-like maneuvers.  Entertaining?  Fuhgettaboutit.

Desired Space That We Don't Currently Have:

  1. Space for my crafting supplies.  I tried to beat this growing collection of yarn, fabric, and paper crafting supplies back with a stick, but it's never enough.  My formerly organized desk is now just a vortex of storage, so something is wrong with my current system.  Even worse, it's spilled into the living area as well!
  2. Space to craft.  My desk has become a pathetic catch all for both my husband's and my stuff.  It's very tempting to just throw whatever was in our hands onto my desk on the way to bed.  I'd have to move a bunch of stuff out of the way in order to craft, so it's discouraging.  Addressing this problem will also help with my crafting supply storage problem because I'd be completing the crafts faster.

  3. Space for our books.  We don't have any shelves for our books, so book storage is non-existant: a pile on one wall shelf, a pile on top of our sub-woofer, and then strewn about all surfaces.

  4. Space for my husband's hobbies.  My husband has many hobbies, which I support, but we have nowhere to store all of his fishing and modeling stuff.

  5. Space to store the "bathroom pot."  No, I don't mean the toilet.  We are currently storing our largest stock pot in the bathroom by the sink, because we have no place to put it in our kitchen.  A bathroom is no place to store anything food related, so this needs to be fixed asap.
  6. Space for our small kitchen appliances.  They are strewn about the floor of the kitchen, which discourages me from using them.  Storing them off the floor will keep them clean enough where I can just rinse them and be good to go.

  7. More space to store our shoes.  There's this ugly tower of Christmas themed totes blocking easy access to half of our shoe cubbies.  That's not the only problem, though.  We also have no place to store our hiking boots or my knee-high boots, so they're just on the ground for people to trip over.
  8. A dedicated space for our "in-between" clothes.  We all have that pile: clothing that we've worn only once that is not dirty enough to put in the laundry but not clean enough to mix in with our laundered clothing.  Well, that pile has no business suffocating my poor husband's man cave!
When figuring out our storage problems, we also made a list of desired upgrades.  When random, mundane things like dishes, towels, or even faucets not only work well, but feels and looks good, they become so much more than just dishes, towels, or faucets.  They become items that we look forward to using, items that make chores so much more enjoyable.  If we're using these "mundane" things everyday, wouldn't it make sense to use what puts a smile on our face every time?  We're far ready to start making some of those dreams a reality.

Desired Upgrades:
  1. Our current collection of coffee cups.  We currently have a full set of 6 espresso cups and saucers.  We would like to complete our collection of latte cups and eventually add a complete collection of cappuccino cups.
  2. Espresso machine.  We are rapidly outgrowing our machine, however, the upgrade we are considering is bigger than our current one.
  3. Coffee grinder.  We currently have the Hario Skerton coffee grinder, which is a hand crank burr grinder.  It has served us well, but we fail to have consistency of the grind and it takes forever when we're making multiple espressos.
  4. Dinnerware.  I've fallen in love with a lot of dinnerware, a particular set spoke to me on a very elemental level.  We'd like to get double the amount of dinnerware we currently have so that we can entertain more people when we have the capacity to.  
  5. Cat furniture.  Our cat tree is in pretty bad shape.  We would like to upgrade when our current one bites the dust.
  6. Coffee table and/or side table.  We don't currently have one, and there's no place to put glasses/snacks/laptop/etc.  
  7. Dish washing situation. A faucet with a pull down head and quality dish towels will go a long way for us.
Despite our struggles with space and our dreams of upgrades, my husband and I decided to stay in our studio for a third year.  It was a tough decision, but I know it was the right one for us.  Just because we're staying doesn't mean we have to put our dreams on hold until we get a bigger place or keep struggling with space issues, though.  We can still address them.  Although some of these changes (like adding shelves, changing the faucet, etc.) will make moving out harder, I still think it's worth it.  It's not that big of a deal to install or remove shelving if you just bite the bullet.  What these changes will represent to me is I'm going to have a full year where I'm actually enjoying my home, rather than my home being yet another source of frustration.

So there it is!  We've made our decision to make over our studio.  Can we do it???
Week 1:  In this first week, we've edited our kitchen gadgets and reorganized.  We solved our "bathroom pot" and appliances-stored-on-the-floor problems and upgraded our faucet.  We also reorganized in anticipation of our coffee paraphernalia upgrades!

We went through our appliances and donated our juicer, panini grill, and some serving plates that we felt we didn't use often enough to keep.  In doing that, we were able to make room on top of our refrigerator to fit the giant pot that used to reside in our bathroom!  It took us 15 minutes to make a pile of the gadgets we didn't need and much less to start shifting things around to accommodate the pot.

We installed a new faucet!  Now, there's much more space for us to wash the dishes.  I no longer have to spray myself with soapy dish water when trying to maneuver big things in the sink like that slate cutting board above.  It's been a real joy having this new faucet.  This took us 45 minutes.

The Organizing Cascade Effect:  On a trip to Ikea to look for my crafting table (coming soon), we found two shelf inserts ($4.99 each) that when doubled up, can form the perfect place for our short glasses, which helped free up some space to move over our Corningware from another cabinet over (1), which in turn allowed us to have a dedicated spot for our mugs, teapot set, and move our smaller spice containers from our green shelf to a basket in the cabinet (2), which allowed us to clear out some space on top of our green
"pantry" shelf in expectancy of our future espresso machine and coffee grinder!

Moving the spice rack from our pantry shelf to the space where we used to keep our bread boxes gave us more usable depth to the counter, so we're no longer balancing the cutting board.  It's kind of a big deal for us to be able to fit the whole cutting board on this small counter area easily.  The "organizing cascade" took about 2 hours, including the assembly of the two shelf inserts, which was surprisingly hard to put together.  >=/

And lastly, we fixed our top shelf, so now our Kitchenaid mixer is back in working shape!

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