Friday, January 17, 2014

It's that time again...

...where I decide to revive my blogs and have a flurry of posts until my motivation teeters less than six months later.  I guess the journal/blogging life is not for me; however, I love to blog (when I remember to) and will continue to do so, albeit in bursts rather than a consistent trickle.  I'm wiser now not to make any new found promises as to how frequently I will post.  It is what it is.  I have been and will always be a horribly inconsistent journal/blog writer.

What have I been up to since April 2013?
Well, I guess a lot.  There were a lot of DIY projects I've accomplished that would have been perfect to post on this blog, but I was too busy...well...crafting.  =P  Among my projects have been making two maxi dresses, starting a cami part way, and accumulating a giant To-Do crafting list.  (Ah-ah-ah!  Not going to tell you what's on it...  You're just going to have to keep coming back to see!)

What is in store for 2014?
I guess this year, I'm going to have a lot of projects to post about.  Maybe a new camera that can take insanely good low light shots will help keep me motivated the whole year.  Maybe I will finally have some progress with my steamer trunk bar.  There will be no resolutions this year.  Who knows what this year will bring?  All I know is that this year is going to be awesome!!!  Why?  Well, it's because I've concentrated on my health for the past few months.  As a result, I feel great!  I'm pumped for a year of better food, better health, and as a result, better time management.  You know what that means:  more time for crafting and (hopefully) more blog posts!

Stay tuned...